Saint Omer Image |VERIFIED|
I met them at the same time when I was beginning to write the screenplay. As for Kayije, I found myself in Geneva talking about a documentary of mine. She raised her hand and asked a question, and I was immediately mesmerized and fascinated by this woman. I asked to take a picture of her because I was making the film and she let me. I met [Guslagie] at a dinner and I realized there was something very powerful [about her], as if she was haunted by something. So the echoes of their images were in my mind while I was writing. They were the first ones that I called for the first auditions.
Saint Omer image
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Black and White photograph of three different aerial views of United States Army Air Force Consolidated B-24 Liberator heavy bombers flying over St. Omer [Saint-Omer Region in Pas-de-Calais] and Chartres, France, during bombing missions, circa 1943-1945. The top left image shows a number of B-24 Liberators flying in formation above the clouds. The center image shows St. Omer [Saint-Omer Region in Pas-de-Calais], France after a USAAF bombing raid. The bottom image shows Chartres, France after a USAAF bombing mission.
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The old cathedral was constructed almost entirely in the 13th, 14th and centuries. A heavy square tower finished in 1499 surmounts the west portal. The church contains Biblical paintings, a colossal statue of Christ seated between the Virgin Mary and St John (13th century, originally belonging to the cathedral of Thérouanne and presented by the emperor Charles V), the cenotaph of Saint Audomare (Omer) (13th century) and numerous ex-votos. The richly decorated chapel in the transept contains a wooden figure of the Virgin (12th century), the object of pilgrimages. Of St Bertin church, part of the abbey (built between 1326 and 1520 on the site of previous churches) where Childeric III retired to end his days, there remain some arches and a lofty tower, which serve to adorn a public garden. Several other churches or convent chapels are of interest, among them St Sepulchre (14th century), which has a beautiful stone spire and stained-glass windows. The cathedral has a huge Cavaillé-Coll organ, which is still playable.
All of the manuscripts are illustrated except for two: Bibliothèque Municipale de Douai, 796 and Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 9675. Some of the manuscripts are lavishly illustrated with elaborate diagrams and maps, with most images colored; only manuscript Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KB, 128 C 4 has uncolored drawings. In the illustrated manuscripts only six animals have images: lion, griffin, dragon, crocodile, behemoth and leviathan. The lion image has a small animal, probably a pig, at its feet; the animal is not mentioned in the text and may be there to show how large the lion is. The astronomy section also has several animal images, all related to the constellations that are named after them. The quality of the illustrations varies considerably between manuscripts, with the fifteenth-century Bibliothèque du Musée Condé, Ms 724 manuscript having the most skilled artist.
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