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Art by FelicityStarr Group

Public·133 members

Richard Herrington
Richard Herrington

Dynamic Bone V1.1.7 Download __HOT__

Despite it being known that subchondral bone affects the viscoelasticity of cartilage, there has been little research into the mechanical properties of osteochondral tissue as a whole system. This study aims to unearth new knowledge concerning the dynamic behaviour of human subchondral bone and how energy is transferred through the cartilage-bone interface.

Dynamic Bone V1.1.7 Download

The aim of this study is to characterise the viscoelastic properties of human osteochondral tissues and assess the dissipation of energy by these tissues. More specifically, an approach that characterises viscoelastic behaviour of the osteochondral core and isolated tissues in a physiological frequency range has advantages in being able to assess the significance of the interactions between the two tissues. Therefore, energy dissipation has been analysed for osteochondral tissues. By using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), the viscoelastic properties of the human cartilage-bone unit were directly compared to the subchondral bone and articular cartilage. Furthermore, the bone mineral density (BMD) of the subchondral bone was determined, by micro-computed tomography (μ-CT), to identify any relationships with its mechanical properties, or the viscoelastic properties of cartilage.

Flow diagram illustrating femoral head specimen preparation and coring: a Preparation of specimen using a surgical saw, b Example of cartilage-bone block prior to μ-CT analysis demonstrating where core was taken, c Coring of specimen, and d Example of cartilage-bone core prior to dynamic mechanical analysis

The complexity of the frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties of cartilage and bone described in this study demonstrate that there is a sophisticated interaction between these two tissues in regard to storage and dissipation of energy. High-frequency loading results in an increased storage of energy in the subchondral bone, a likely mechanism to prevent cartilage damage, which is a factor that should be further investigated in relation to the progression of OA. The results obtained in this study provide details of native tissue behaviour in vitro at physiologically relevant frequency ranges, the first reported values in human osteochondral tissue under dynamic loading. 350c69d7ab


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